Grandall has long been active at the forefront of commercial legal services, with in-depth research and extensive practice covering trade remedy rules and WTO rules in different countries and providing legal solutions for international trade for many domestic large-scale organizations, companies, and government agencies in the chemical, tire, steel, textile, kitchenware, ceramics, electronic products, food, agricultural products, and heavy industry sectors. Recently, Grandall has been particularly focused on new US and EU China trade initiatives, analyzing the impact of non-trade restrictions on Chinese company exports and adopting methods such as partnering with US and EU lawyers to minimize the impact of the restrictions as much as possible. Additionally, Grandall lawyers actively study international multilateral economic and trade agreements, including RCEP rules, partner with lawyers and government agencies in RCEP member countries, explore specific guidelines and cases on the application of multilateral RCEP rules, and offer their own contributions to the adoption and recognition of these multilateral RCEP rules by the member countries and regions.