

Grandall Held the 3rd Government and State-owned Private Equity Fund Forum

Grandall Law FirmRelease Date: 2019-10-22

On 18 October 2019, Grandall held its 3rd Government and State-owned Private Equity Fund Forum in Suzhou.

The Forum was hosted by Grandall Law Firm (Suzhou), and SND Financial Holdings, and undertaken by Grandall PE and Assets Management Legal Research Center and Taihu Jingu (Suzhou) Information Technology Co., Ltd.  More than 200 participants, including directors of local government-guided funds, heads of parent funds and private equity funds, and partners of Grandall attended the Forum and shared management mode and practicing experience thereon.

Ms. GE Xiaqing, partner of Grandall Suzhou Office, presided the Forum with Mr. LIU Hui, deputy director of Economic Development Committee of Suzhou Hi-tech District, Ms. ZHOU Qiongfang, general manager of SND Financial Holdings, and Mr. HUANG Jianxin, director and managing partner of Grandall Suzhou delivering speeches thereon.

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