

Dr. ZHAN Hao and Ms. YANG Hua of Grandall Legal Group Invited to Give a Series of Lectures in Seoul, South Korea

Grandall Law FirmRelease Date: 2009-10-22

October 22, 2009 - Seoul, Republic of Korea - The executive partner of Grandall Legal Group (Beijing), Dr. ZHAN Hao and Partner Ms. YANG Hua were invited by South Korea's largest law firm, Kim & Chang, to give a series of lectures in Seoul, relating to the Chinese Anti-Monopoly Law, Labor laws and Insurance laws.

The lectures were organised by Kim & Chang, specifically to cater to the needs of South Korea’s 4 largest Corporations, namely Hyundai Heavy Industries, SK Group, Hanwha Group and the STX Group. The variuos heads of the key departments in these 4 companies and their related subsidiaries, such as the legal and accounting department, had all taken part in the said lectures.

In recent years, the pace of Korean companies in their overseas mergers and acquisitions has gradually been picking up. Dr. Zhan Hao, being one of the highly regarded private practitioners in the areas of PRC AML and Insurance laws, was invited to address in areas where large Korean companies had expressed great interests and common concerns, particularly the PRC AML, and the laws and regulations on the concentration notification and the guidelines on the procedure. According to the Anti-Monopoly Law and the relevant regulations, together with the practical experiences of Grandall Legal Group in this specific area, Dr. Zhan explained to the participants on the profound concepts in simple terms, focusing on the special characteristics of Korean companies in their mergers and acquisitions activities in China. Meanwhile, Ms. Yang Hua focused on labor law issues which were of concerns to many foreign enterprises.

Dr. ZHAN Hao and Ms. YANG Hua also had the opportunity to answer to some of the questions raised during the Q&A sessions. Due to the rich contents and substance of the lectures, and focused on the specific legal issues, we are humbled to receive some positive feedbacks from those Korean companies who had participated in the lectures.

As the coordinator of this lecture tour, Kim & Chang was founded in 1972, it is the largest and one of the most established integrated law firms in Korea. Through this series of lectures, Grandall Legal Group and Kim & Chang seek to establish a closer business relationship and further the cooperation between the two law firms.

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