

'2022 Shanghai Arbitration Week – Grandall Session' Successfully Held

Grandall Law FirmRelease Date: 2022-11-21

On 11 November 2022, “2022 Shanghai Arbitration Week – Grandall Session”, as a part of the series of events of the “2022 Shanghai Arbitration Week”, was successfully held at Grandall Shanghai office. The event was hosted by Shanghai Municipal Bureau of Justice, Council for the Promotion of International Trade Shanghai and Shanghai Arbitration Association, organized by Grandall Law Firm (Shanghai) and supported by Shanghai Asset Management Association.

Nearly 100 experts and scholars from arbitration institutions, judicial authorities, financial institutions, famous enterprises and legal service agencies, including Mr. Yi MA (Vice President of Council for the Promotion of International Trade Shanghai and Deputy Director of Shanghai International Arbitration Center), Mr. Haihua SUN (Vice Director of Shanghai Arbitration Commission), Mr. Weifeng YU (President of Shanghai Arbitration Association), and Mr. Wen LI (President of Shanghai Asset Management Association), attended the session and shared views on hot topics regarding capital management and arbitration issues. 

Mr. Hongbing LV (Chief Executive Partner of Grandall Law Firm), Mr. Weifeng YU, and Mr. Wen LI delivered enthusiastic opening addresses during the session, and Mr. Yi MA, Mr. Haihua SUN, Mr. Hong WU (President of Financial Law Research Institution of Shanghai Law Society) and Mr. Li SHEN (partner of Grandall Shanghai) also rendered wonderful speeches. Mr. Zheren ZHOU (Managing Partner of Grandall Shanghai) presided over the session and panel discussions.

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