

Grandall Took Leading Position in Rankings Released by Thomson Reuters

Grandall Law FirmRelease Date: 2015-10-17

Recently, Thomson Reuters released its Global Capital Markets Legal Advisory Review for the First Nine Months of 2015, covering rankings and market overviews of various law firms in the global and regional capital markets, and Grandall Law Firm (“Grandall”) took leading position in many rankings thereof with its outstanding performance.

In particular, Grandall ranked the second among issuer advisers in Global Equity and Equity-related market by 47 deals totaling US$8,934.3 million.

In respect of Asian markets, Grandall took the first (by deal number) and second (by proceeds) places among issuer advisers in China A-share Equity & Equity Related market with 42 deals totaling US$6,101.9 million, representing a market share of 12.2% (by deal number) and 9.2% (by proceeds).

Also, Grandall took the first (by deal number) and second (by proceeds) places among issuer advisers in China A-share IPO market by advising issuers on 26 deals totaling US$4,044.6 million. Grandall occupied a market share of 13.7% (by deal number) and 17.3% (by proceeds).

Among issuer advisers in Asia Equity & Equity Related market, Grandall ranked the second (by deal number) and the third (by proceeds) with 46 deals totaling US$8,923.6 million.

Further, Grandall was among top issuer advisers in Chinese Companies’ Overseas Equity & Equity-related Offering (Ex A-share).

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