

Maddocks Visited Grandall

Grandall Law FirmRelease Date:2017-04-07

Recently, representatives from Maddocks, including Michelle Dixon (CEO), David Laidlaw (former chairman) and Andrew McNee (partner of commercial Dept.) visited Grandall Beijing Office and Shanghai Office, respectively.  LV Hongbing, chief executive partner, and other executive partners and partners involved in foreign affairs, including LEE Chun, LIU Wei, LIU Ji, SUN Wenjie, Henry HUANG, Charles GUAN, James LI, WANG Chaoqun, JIE Mei, KONG Jia, Paula YU, Erica Chang, Andy SUN, SUN Jingze, SU Xiaonan, YANG Zhengyu, QIAN Feng and Will FONG, received guests from Maddocks, and had in-depth talks in Beijing and Shanghai, respectively. 

LV Hongbing, on behalf of Grandall, extended a warm welcome to the guests from Maddocks, and stated that the core business of Maddocks had a high consistence with that of Grandall and thus, the two firms would have great cooperation opportunity.  In 2016, Grandall and Maddocks had discussed upon the cooperation and corresponding arrangements, and this time, the visit paid by Maddocks paved a way for both parties in their future cooperation.

LEE Chun explained that the parties should learn from each other and seize the investment opportunity to assist China enterprises ‘Going Globally’.  He further emphasized that the two firms could further the implementation of specific project on the basis of the strategic cooperation. 

Michelle Dixon said she was looking forward to the cooperation between Grandall and Maddocks.  Meanwhile, she introduced the background, practicing areas, and key lawyers of Maddocks.  Maddocks, with a history over 130 years, now has three offices in Melbourne, Sydney and Canberra with 70 partners and over 500 lawyers and administrative staff.  It specializes in capital markets, energy, real estate, medical care, infrastructure, dispute resolution and other areas.

The two firms had entered into a strategic cooperation memo and jointly hosted 1st China-Australia Investment Law Forum in Sydney last September.  Maddocks is the partner of Grandall in Australia, and Grandall believes that a close cooperation with Maddocks will significantly enhance its foreign-related legal service.

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