

Grandall Law Firm-China

Grandall Law FirmRelease Date:2021-06-06

Grandall Legal Group first came into existence in June, 1998. It is the first law firm authorized to use the name of "Legal Group" by the Ministry of Justice of the People's Republic of China. In March, 2011, Grandall changed its name to Grandall Law Firm. Grandall was initially formed upon the amalgamation of Beijing Zhang Yongtao Law Firm, Shanghai Wanguo Law Firm and Shenzhen Tangren Law Firm, and then registered with the Ministry of Justice of the People's Republic of China. The aforesaid three law firms were set up during 1992 to 1993 and have been in operation for 28 years.

Grandall is the trailblazer among those Chinese law firms possessing large scale, specialized expertise, standard management system, international presences and recognized brand. It has set up Company and Commerce Committee, Banking and Finance Committee, International Investment Committee and other special committees since its initial establishment. These organs have developed into more than 20 research centers and specialized committees covering the areas of capital markets, civil and commercial dispute resolution, intellectual property, construction and real estate, criminal law, and cross-border investment.

Grandall has 34 offices in major cities around the world, including Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Hangzhou, Guangzhou, Kunming, Tianjin, Chengdu, Ningbo, Fuzhou, Xi’an, Nanjing, Nanning, Jinan, Chongqing, Suzhou, Changsha, Taiyuan, Wuhan, Guiyang, Urumqi, Zhengzhou, Shijiazhuang, Hefei, Hainan, Qingdao, Nanchang, Dalian, Hong Kong, Paris, Madrid, Silicon Valley, Stockholm and New York. In July 2017, it initiated the establishment of the Belt and Road Legal Services Cooperation Platform consisting of nearly 40 law firms from more than 20 countries and regions. In October 2019, Grandall entered into a strategic cooperation agreement with ECIJA, a top-tier law firm in Spain, and extended its legal service network to Latin American countries.

Grandall now has over 750 partners and a total combined workforce of over 4,000 people, including practicing lawyers, legal assistants, secretaries and other support staff. Over 90% of its partners possess a Doctor's or Master's degree or other senior qualifications, and many partners of Grandall are well-known experts and scholars in certain legal fields and areas.

饶平县| 定安县| 鹰潭市| 正阳县| 庄浪县| 安新县| 江都市| 定结县| 偃师市| 扎赉特旗| 长兴县| 宁武县| 江陵县| 荆门市| 镇安县| 响水县| 施秉县| 博湖县| 宣化县| 龙海市| 天峻县| 介休市| 永城市| 汤阴县| 汉阴县| 津市市| 伊金霍洛旗| 颍上县| 高青县| 无为县| 河曲县| 米易县| 新宁县| 花莲市| 迁安市| 阳高县| 东莞市| 玛曲县| 满洲里市| 石狮市| 汉沽区|