

Grandall Advised UniTTEC in its Issue of Corporate Bond

Grandall Law FirmRelease Date: 2020-03-03

The non-public issue of innovative green corporate bond by UniTTEC Co., Ltd. (“UniTTEC”) was approved by Shenzhen Stock Exchange in the No-action Letter dated 22 January 2020, marking the 1st non-public innovative green corporate bond issued on Shenzhen Stock Exchange.

The Company is a company listed on Shenzhen Stock Exchange with major business scope covering mechanical and electrical engineering of rail transport, energy conservation and environmental protection and semiconductor materials manufacturing. The proceeds from the issue will be used in the innovation and entrepreneurship of the company and the business development in the green industry sectors.

Grandall Hangzhou Office has been retained as the legal advisor of UniTTEC for this non-public issue of corporate bond with Mr. XU Weimin and Mr. GAO Jiali as key lawyers servicing the case.

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