

Grandall Tianjin Advised Tianjin Bank in its Trusts Scheme

Grandall Law FirmRelease Date: 2019-11-29

The Phase I and II property trusts of Tianjin Bank Consumption Credit Assets, for which Grandall has served as the legal counsel, were registered and fully transferred via the Banking Credit Assets Registration and Distribution Center on 9 July 2019 and 5 November 2019, respectively. The trustee thereof is Guangdong Yuecai Trust Co., Ltd., and Huaneng Guicheng Trust Co., Ltd., while Lianhe Credit Rating Co., Ltd. being the rating agency and Deloittee being the accounting advisor.

Grandall Tianjin Office has been retained as the counsel of the trust program with Mr. WEI Yi, Mr. LIU Mengshi and Mr. XU Yan as key lawyers servicing the case.

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