

Grandall Legal Group Assisted Kingold Jewelry Inc in its Uplisting to the NASDAQ Stock Market

Grandall Law FirmRelease Date: 2010-08-26

Kingold Jewelry, Inc (“KGJI”) has successfully uplisted to NASDAQ Capital Market on August 18, 2010.  KGJI controls and operates Wuhan Kingold Jewelry Co., Ltd. through its wholly-owned subsidiary, Wuhan Vogue-Show Jewelry Co., Ltd.  It is a vertically-integrated gold jewelry producer engaged in research, design, production, manufacture and wholesale, and is one of the largest gold jewelers in China.  Grandall Legal Group Beijing Office acted as PRC legal counsel to the issuer on its uplisting.  Lawyers Jane YANG, YANG Lihua and foreign counsel, R. Alex CLAR, provided high-quality and efficient legal services for KGJI on this successful deal.

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